Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Big (More Like Round) Kahuna

Well I should be busy reconciling some numbers for our client over yonder in the MDT time zone but the guy over there is a complete nutcase and I really have no desire to be productive right now. SO I present to you my description of the most passive aggressive person in the world.

I say most and I am dead serious. Let me start the physical description since we humans usually want a mental picture first. He is a balding Jewish man with white frizzy hair starting from the peak of his skull - imagine a McDonald's sign laid on its back on top of a bald man, that's him. At about 5' 8" he has a medium to flabby build. His double chin does kind of work for him but not his purple spectacles. I've concluded those glasses were his attempt at taming his mid-life crisis, and as the kids today would say, those glasses are a complete "FAIL". The most distinctive physical feature is his perfectly spherical belly. I was baffled the first time I saw him. For a split second I thought he was pregnant but then I realized no woman could be that ugly. Logically I then thought he was carrying one of those inflatable exercise (body?) balls under his shirt but I pulled an Elaine and poked it as I went down to pick up my pen. It's real and I'm willing to hire a physicist to check if it's a perfect sphere. It definitely looks like it.

I'll discuss his passive aggressive behavior later.

kinda like this guy but imagine his shirt over it:

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