Friday, July 9, 2010

Where The Fuck Did 2010 GO?

It's July already.

Random thoughts:

1. Our new receptionist is fucking awesome. Not only do we both have interests in the same herbal remedies, but she is also hilarious. Example:
(over the phone)
Me: Hey do you know if Peter's going to be in on Monday. I need to schedule some conference calls.
ES: Can you suck my penis?

Awesome. We were gona get lunch at the strip club today but I've been swamped lately. Titties and fried chicken next Friday.

2. That ride Hongshu and I went on on the 4th was FUCKING BRUTAL. You try to ride 360 miles in one day, most of it on the freeway. We rode out to Yosemite. I thought I was riding in 1995 Oprah's crotch; I haven't sweated that much since my glory days as mini-Asian-Butter-Bean. Pics to follow once work dies down (not going to happen. I'll most likely post it soon when the MAN is gone).

The roads were well worth it. I didn't even have to try to lean, the turns were perfect. I got rid of my chicken strip on the left, but some still remain on the right. I'm gona demolish that ish like my 10 year old self with a 24 pc. chicken mcnugget box on my next trip (Redwood this sat and Mines/DPC on Sunday).

3. Pick N Roll needs to happen ASAP.

4. I've given up on joining the NBA. I'll settle for the NHL.

5. I need to buy hockey skates.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Very Happy 4th

Following a caucasian pool party on Saturday up in wine country I'll be going on a very long, fun trip on the 4th. Ultimate destination? This epic looking road:

aka "Little Dragon"

Kinda sucks i'll be wasting my tires on freeway slab for most of the day but hopefully my chicken strips will be getting smaller after little dragon.